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_ Inside Rebel Wilson's bizarre relationship with the royals: Actress parties with Zara and says she loves Harry, but finds Meghan 'not as naturally warm' - and also texts a mystery family member

_ Inside Rebel Wilson's bizarre relationship with the royals: Actress parties with Zara and says she loves Harry, but finds Meghan 'not as naturally warm' - and also texts a mystery family member

Rebel Wilson has raised eyebrows in royal circles after claiming a member of The Firm invited her to an orgy at the home of a US tech billionaire in 2014.

Writing in her memoir, Rebel Rising, the Australian actress, 44,  doesn't name the royal, but says they are 'male' and 'fifteenth or twentieth line to the throne'.

While many have been left shocked by the allegation, it's the first in a long line of comments the outspoken comedian has made about the royal family.

Surprisingly, Rebel is actually friends with some members of the Firm, and rang in the 2020 New Year in her native Sydney with Zara and Mike Tindall.

The group were also joined by Prince Harry's best friend Nacho Figureas - who has been dubbed the 'David Beckham of Polo' and his wife Delfina Blaquier.    

They celebrated the New Year watching fireworks  from a mansion overlooking the Sydney Harbour Bridge. 

Rebel said she celebrated the New Year with a 'fun gang'.

'We crushed Sydney New Year's Eve! We're in the future now in 2020!' Rebel wrote on her profile.

'What a fun gang to celebrate with and thanks to our gorgeous hostess Heloise for throwing an amazing bash with clearly the BEST views.' 

Rebel later uploaded a dance off with Mike Tindall to her Instagram Stories, where the pair could be seen dancing alongside one another in front of a crowded private bar.

The star is also friendly with Prince Harry - but said she's had an awkward interaction with Meghan.  

The Bridesmaids actress, revealed they were introduced to the royal couple by a mutual friend and said while Harry 'could not have been nicer', Meghan 'was not as cool'.

'Meghan wasn't as naturally warm,' she told host Andy Cohen on Watch What Happens Live in 2022.

However, Rebel admitted that Meghan's cold demeanour may have been due to her mother, Sue Bownds, asking her some personal questions.

'My mum being Australian asked her all these slightly rude questions like, "where are your kids?" and things like that,' she said.

'Maybe that's why she was like, "Who are these annoying convicts from Australia?" I'm like, "Mum, don't ask her that",' she joked. 

Rebel also mocked  Harry and Meghan's 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey while hosting the BAFTA Awards in 2022. 

Rebel said in the video: 'Our next package is for Outstanding British Film. From drama to horror to fantasy, Harry and Meghan's interview with Oprah had it all.'

The camera then panned to the celebrity-packed audience, showing actress Emma Watson gasping in shock at the joke. 

'Unfortunately, that's not nominated in this category, but some incredible films are. Let's take a look at some of the most outstanding British films this year,' she added.

However, Rebel said that she had the okay from a member of the Firm to tell the joke.

She appeared on The One Show and revealed she has texted her material to a member of The Royal Family to see if it is okay before taking it to an audience.  

The  actress told hosts Jermaine Jenas and Lauren Laverne: 'I do have a connection with the Royal Family, who I send certain jokes to... to check they're OK'.

The blonde beauty refused to name who she texts, but said: 'They actually have a really great sense of humour, people think like, because of their position, but they like to laugh as well'. 

It comes as Rebel wrote a mystery royal 'invited her to an orgy'.

In her memoir, Rebel Rising, she tells how she got 'a last-minute invite to a tech billionaire's party' from the royal who had told a male friend, 'We need more girls'.

'What a perfect opportunity to find a boyfriend, I thought.'

According to the book, the medieval-themed party was held at a rented ranch just outside Los Angeles.

Wilson says she wore a 'buxom damsel outfit complete with cone hat' – which complemented her 'child-bearing hips' – and describes the event as 'insane' with acrobats mingling with the crowd and a giant firepit surrounded by cushions.

She says she spoke to the billionaire, who is also unnamed, that night but who effectively 'blanked' her.

At the party, she claims, men were jousting on horses in a field and there was a swimming pool full of girls dressed as mermaids.

Because of the vastness of the house and its isolated location, guests were assigned rooms to sleep in overnight.

The Australian-born star of Pitch Perfect and Bridesmaids describes seeing the unnamed minor British royal there and drugs openly being handed around on trays, writing: 'I watch the British royal flounder around whilst I continuously hike up my boobs. 

'They are my best physical asset, I think… There's a huge private fireworks display and then all of a sudden, it's 2am and a guy comes out with a large tray piled with what looks like a ton of candy.

'I'm like, 'Oooh, is that candy?' And the guy holding the tray says, 'No, this is the molly [or MDMA, another word for the drug ecstasy],' and I turned to the screenwriter I've been talking with, confused. He says, 'Oh, it's for the orgy….the orgies normally start at these things about this time'.'

The actress conveys her shock at the suggestion, saying: 'Now the comment by the Windsor about needing more girls started to make a lot more sense.' 

She claims earlier in the book that 'the guy who invited me, who's like fifteenth or twentieth in line to the British throne, had said to my male friend, 'We need more girls'.

'They weren't talking about a boy-girl ratio like it was a year-eight disco. They were talking about an ORGY!'

Wilson writes that she was a virgin at the time and couldn't shake the feeling that the party may have been filmed by hidden cameras.

'Needless to say, I hike up my damsel dress and run out of there as fast as I can.'


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